
Becoming a Wholesaler
Would you like to retail the following brand of products?

Then please call, email or fax us today to apply for a wholesale account. As a wholesaler, you qualify for discounted prices for bulk ordering. Wholesale clients have access to discounts for both Dr. Clark Store and Bernard Jensen Products brands.

Contact us for details:
1-866-DR-CLARK (372-5275)
Fax: 1-619-409-9501
Email: Service@DrClarkStore.com

If you are applying on behalf of a store we require a copy of your retail certificate. If you are a health care professional we require a copy of your professional certification.


Want your own label?
Nutritional Supplement Manufacturers, Inc. (www.PureNSM.com) is the perfect choice to manufacture the purest form of supplements. PureNSM can formulate and make any or all of your nutritional products. PureNSM specializes in taking your original formula or idea for a nutritional supplement and turning it into a finished product that is ready to be marketed and sold. Whether you are an individual looking to make your own unique product or a small business looking to expand your product line let PureNSM help you.

Contact them:
1-844-PURE-NSM (787-3676)
Email: Service@PureNSM.com