The Anti-Tumor Diet of Dr. Clark: Part 1 - Malonic Acid Avoidance

Dr. Hulda Clark developed a diet that she claimed could shrink tumors and help the body heal from cancer. Her approach focused on removing toxins and parasites from the body, while nourishing it with wholesome foods.
The diet advised avoiding malonic acid-containing foods, artificial dyes (which require large doses of coenzyme Q10, vitamin B2 and glutathione to detoxify), carcinogenic metals from stainless steel, alcohol and benzene, asbestos (found in sugar and all sweetened foods but detoxed with Vitamin C), Seed Oils, and Mold Toxins (found in most nuts and grains, and bruised fruit).
Part 1 of this series will discuss the contaminant known as malonic acid.
What is Malonic Acid?
Since Dr. Clark's research was published, even more harms have been discovered related to malonic acid and malonate. What is this substance?
Malonic acid is a chemical additive that is a carboxylic acidic that donates hydrogen ions to neutralize a base that accepts them. Due to industrial application, Dr. Clark found it in various fruits, vegetables, and beverages that were sprayed with pesticides, and also used as an additive in some personal care and industrial products. She found that it acts as a respiration inhibiter, stalling the Krebs cycle by attaching to enzymes that mistake it for succinic acid. When Dr. Clark found that tumor cells were high in malonic acid, she saw confirmation of the important discovery by Otto Warburg's that cancer cells had extremely low respiration and extremely limited need of oxygen. Clark explains that Warburg showed that any substance that damaged respiration caused or worsened tumors.
Harms caused by malonate:
◊ Research suggests that malonic acid may have a negative impact on gut health and the immune system.
◊ Malonate inhibits uptake of glycine and alanine.
◊ Malonate may chelate iron so it can’t be incorporated
into hemoglobin.
◊ Malonate inhibits healing.
◊ Motility of sperm is reduced by malonate.
◊ Bacterial phagocytosis by human neutrophils is de-
pressed by malonate.
◊ Malonate chelates calcium.
◊ Malonate drops the resting potential of muscle.
◊ Malonate causes air hunger (dyspnea).
◊ Methyl malonate is toxic to the kidney.
◊ Acetoacetyl Co A can transfer its Co A to malonic acid
to make malonyl Co A. This could lead to acetoacetate
buildup, namely ketonuria and possibly a block in fat
utilization of even numbered carbon atoms, leaving odd
◊ numbered carbons to predominate.
◊ Malonic acid reacts with aldehydes.
◊ Thallium is chelated by malonic acid into a stable com-
pound. (This could explain accumulation effect in a tu-
◊ A color test for malonates is tetra hydroquinoline-N-
propinal to form blue-violet compounds. It is sensitive to
0.01 mg malonate.
◊ Malonate complexes with zinc and magnesium.
◊ A fall in malate concentration due to malonate causes
depletion of NADP.
◊ Malonate induces ketonemia.
◊ Malonate reduces oxygen uptake. Coenzyme Q10 is re-
quired to make ATP.
◊ Malonate raises cholesterol.
◊ D-malic acid complexes with malic dehydrogenase and
NADH, but is enzymatically inactive.
◊ Maleic acid is competitive inhibitor of succinic dehydro-
◊ Synergism between rotenone and malonate occurs in
◊ Malonate causes oxidation of NADH and cytochromes.
◊ Rats can convert malonate to acetate in the presence of
malonyl Co A.
◊ Malonate reduces survival of infected animals.
◊ Malonate fed to dogs is recovered as methyl malonate in
◊ Malonate can pick up an amino group from glutamine.
◊ Hemolysis of red blood cells may be caused by malonyl
dialdehyde (MDA), a derivative of malonic acid.
◊ Malonate catalyses renal glutaminase; with less glu-
tamine uric acid levels fall.
◊ Malic acid (apple juice) is the best antidote to malonic
acid. (But commercial sources contain patulin which de-
pletes cellular glutathione.)
◊ Malonic acid is present in urine.
◊ Malonate depresses the reduction of GSSG to glu-
◊ Malonate inhibits protoporphyrin formation 32%.
◊ Malonate inhibits insulin stimulation of muscle respira-
◊ Malonate inhibits acetylcholine synthesis.
◊ Mycobacterium phlei respiration is stimulated by ma-
lonate. (All schizophrenia cases I see test positive to this
bacterium in the brain!)
◊ Malonate is put into soy sauce in Japan.
◊ Malonate stimulates Entamoeba histolytica growth.
◊ Malonate inhibits phosphate entry into cells.
◊ Potassium transport into cells is inhibited by malonate.
◊ Malonate causes systemic acidosis.
◊ Calcium and iron transport by rat duodenum is severely
reduced by malonate.
◊ Malonate inhibits pyruvate oxidation.
◊ Malonate causes increased utilization of glucose due to
the Pasteur effect of a blocked Krebs cycle.
◊ Lactic acid formation is increased with malonate inhibi-
tion of respiration.
◊ Glycolysis is stimulated by malonate.
◊ Malonate has different effects on different tissues.
◊ Much less glucose goes to form amino acids and proteins
in the presence of malonate.
◊ Malonate induces the appearance of the pentose phos-
phate shunt.
◊ Malonate diverts fatty acid metabolism to acetoacetate.
◊ Malonate increases the formation of fatty acids up to 10-
◊ Maleic acid is a potent inhibitor of urinary acidification.
◊ Malonate inhibits oxidation of fatty acids.
◊ Malonate fed to dogs produces acetoacetate, acetone and
◊ Malonate can reduce the concentration of magnesium
and calcium to 25% or 50%.
◊ The methyl derivative of malonate depresses renal func-
◊ Malonic acid can form malonyl coenzyme A, which is
very stable, thereby depleting the system of coenzyme A.
(Coenzyme A has a nucleic acid base, adenine, plus
pantothenic acid and sulfur in its makeup. You will have
an increased need for these nutrients.)
◊ Malonate inhibits urea formation by reducing the supply
of oxaloacetate.
◊ Malonate inhibits cell cleavage (the formation of a wall
between 2 dividing cells).
◊ Benzaldehyde reacts with malonic acid
Supplements to Help Detoxify Malonic Acid:
Dr. Clark wrote: “Your tumorous organ will be free of malonic acid as soon as you dose it with vitamin B12, folic acid, methyl groups (methionine, betaine), sulfur (cysteine), and vitamin C. But not the tumor itself. If it has a tough, thick wall around it, these supplements cannot enter, so we must wait for the second week of the 21 Day Program.”
What are the benefits of removing malonic acid from the diet?
- Stopping the production of effusates. “Effusates are caused by seepage of body fluid into places where it does not belong.” The by-product of malonic acid, maleic anhydride, travels to tumors and none gets excreted, causing a large amount of damage.
- Improved Kidney Function: Removing this kidney toxin causes creatinine levels to drop signaling good kidney health, and reduced cysts.
Quotes by Dr. Clark
“There should be fewer cockroach parts in cocoa and chocolate, less patulin in apple juice, less aflatoxin in peanut butter, and tougher requirements in restaurants” (Dr. Clark, p126, CFAAC).
“Kosher is cleaner. Milk, cheese and butter purchased at Kosher grocery stores usually did not have tapeworm eggs, Ascaris eggs, Rabbit fluke, or filth-bacteria. Nor were they sterilized! Evidently, cleanliness is possible in the dairy industry. Amish-made products were similarly much safer. Yet, the cancer patient can not take chances. When dairy foods are finally allowed in your program, they must still be sterilized.”
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