News from Around the World of Natural Health

Don’t Eat Plasticberries!
In addition to the risks of their plastic coating, even on organic berries, "Driscoll’s strawberries are...driving deforestation & water theft in Mexico."
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Dr. Mercola and the NVIC: Why NVIC Is No Longer Associated with Dr. Joseph Mercola By Barbara Loe Fisher June 03, 2024
Taking Any Prescription Drugs? How to Avoid Nutrient Depletion
Did you know, antacids deplete stores of chromium, zinc, magnesium and vitamin D? Or that birth control pills and antidepressants can deplete Co-Q10? The following handy chart shows various medications and their resultant nutrient deficiencies:
This service is a free, donation supported, medical consultation service that connects patients directly to a doctor
Who Made the WHO? One World, One Health, One Leader
Discover the history of the WHO: "The One Health concept was developed in September 2004 during a symposium with leading health experts organised by the World Conservation Society at Rockefeller University in New York under the slogan “One World, One Health”.
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