Dr. Merocla Echo’s Dr. Clark from Years Ago

Dr. Mercola, despite the controversy surrounding his celebrity psychic mentor, continues to publish well-researched articles on important health topics. In a recent story, he continued previous research on the prevalence of phosphate additives in the food supply, and explains the number of risks and diseases associated with them. Dr. Clark was ahead of her time on many issues, and this is yet another example of one of them.
What are Phosphate Additives?
Phosphate additives contain the inorganic phosphates (such as mono-, di-, tri-, and poly-phosphate salts of phosphoric acid) and are found in over 30 different similar products identified as GRAS by the FDA. However, studies have found that, “foods processed with inorganic phosphate additives impact the hormones regulating phosphate balance” (1).
Researchers have sought to uncover the mechanisms of how inorganic phosphate additives found in common foods have a negative impact on kidney and cardiovascular function. Increase phosphate levels elevate calcification of tissues and blood vessels, leading to bone disease, heart and kidney disease and overall
mortality. Researchers at Mount Sainai Department of Medicine write that, “It is well-established…that habitual high-phosphate diets or acute oral phosphate salt loads of longer study duration can induce the release of two endocrine hormones, PTH from the parathyroid glands and FGF-23 from bone. Sustained elevation in either one of these hormones can exert significant pathogenic cardiovascular, renal, and bone effects directly or synergistically with those induced by high phosphate concentration in tissues" (1).
Dr. Hulda Clark’s Opinion
Dr. Clark was also aware of the dangers phosphate additives posed, and knew that excess phosphate was toxic to the system. She wrote: “In general, people eat way too much phosphate. Meat eaters eat too much meat. Vegetarians eat too much grain. Most everyone drinks phosphated beverages. In this way we set the stage for hardened arteries, joint disease, calcified tissues that no longer have flexibility.” (2).
- Bread
- Frozen Meals
- Cereal
- Dairy, and
- Meat
Even supplements can contain different forms of phosphate additives, which again can have a cumultive effect since they are used in so many other products as well. Their harms may even be potentiated by their inclusion in highly processed foods and seed oils, which carry their own risks independently. Of the above-mentioed foods to avoid, all can be found without phosphate additives, it just takes some diligence and careful label reading.
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10459924/
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