The Importance of Filtering Shower Water to Remove Chlorine

by Picklu Kamruzzaman

Most people are vigilant about drinking filtered water, yet many overlook the potential risks associated with showering in unfiltered water. Interestingly, our bodies absorb more chlorine during a 10-minute shower than it does from drinking a whole large glass of chlorinated water. Therefrore, filtering your shower water is crucial for mitigating health risks that come with exposure to chlorine and other contaminants.

Why Is Unfiltered Shower Water Risky?

Chlorine, commonly used to disinfect water, is a significant concern. It not only hardens arteries and destroys essential proteins, but it also exacerbates skin conditions, sinus issues, asthma, allergies, and respiratory problems. Warm showers open up the pores, allowing more chlorine to be absorbed through the skin and inhaled into the lungs. This route of exposure is even more direct and concentrated than ingesting chlorine through drinking water.

During a shower, chlorine vaporizes and can be inhaled deeply into the lungs, making its way directly into the bloodstream. The effects of chlorine exposure are amplified by warm water, which changes its chemical composition, making it even more irritating to the eyes, sinuses, throat, skin, and lungs. Long-term exposure can lead to accelerated aging, increased susceptibility to genetic mutations, and a higher risk of cancer.

The Hidden Risks in Shower Steam

It's estimated that shower steam can contain up to 100 times more chlorine than the water itself, as chlorine evaporates easily at low temperatures. This means that every time you take a warm shower, you're inhaling and absorbing a substantial amount of chlorine.

“Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times. It is an insidious poison.”  -Dr. Joseph M. Price, MD

“Showering is suspected as the primary cause of elevated of chloroform in nearly every home because of the chlorine in the water. Chloroform [a known carcinogen] levels increase up to 100 times during a ten-minute shower in residential water” -Dr. Lance Wallace (EPA)

Health Conditions Linked to Chlorine Exposure

Research indicates that chlorine exposure can contribute to or aggravate the following conditions:

  • Respiratory Issues: Asthma and bronchitis affecting the nose, throat, lungs, and sinuses.
  • Colorectal, Kidney, and Bladder cancer (1). 
  • Hair: Increased dryness and brittleness.
  • Skin: Dryness, flaking, dandruff, itching, and rashes, particularly in infants and children.

The Role of Chlorine in Water Treatment

While chlorine is effective at killing germs and bacteria, it also disrupts cellular functions by penetrating cell walls and attaching to fatty acids. Given that the human body is composed of billions of cells, the implications are far-reaching. Many people are aware of the benefits of filtering their drinking water but fail to recognize that showering in unfiltered water poses similar, if not greater, risks.

The Impact of Daily Chlorine Exposure

Approximately half of our daily chlorine exposure comes from showering. Chlorine is absorbed through the skin and inhaled as vapor, entering the bloodstream directly. The chlorine exposure from just one shower can be equivalent to drinking the same unfiltered tap water for an entire day. Therefore, merely drinking filtered or bottled water doesn't fully address the issue.

Chlorine in Swimming Pools

Swimming pools and spas primarily use chlorine and bromine, which are potent toxins. These chemicals are linked to the production of various carcinogens, such as chloroforms and bromoforms. The chlorine levels in swimming pools exceed safe levels by over 1,000%, according to EPA standards, contributing to cardiovascular diseases, premature skin aging, and increased cancer risk.

The Solution

For those concerned about their health, investing in a high-quality shower water filter is an effective and affordable solution. A filtered shower can significantly reduce the health risks associated with chlorine and other contaminants.

Dr. Herbert Schwartz has pointed out the severe risks of chlorine, suggesting it should be permanently banned. He argues that chlorine-treated water contributes to numerous health issues, including cancer, heart problems, and premature aging symptoms like arteriosclerosis.


Filtering your shower water is not just about improving skin and hair health; it's about safeguarding your overall health. By reducing your exposure to harmful chemicals like chlorine, microplastics, heavy metals, and flouride, you can protect yourself from long-term health complications. Medical professionals, in particular, should be aware of these risks and consider advocating for the use of shower water filters as part of a broader strategy for health and wellness.

Recommended Filters:

Flowmatic KDF Shower Filter

Dr. Clark's Whole House Filter




1. Villanueva, C. M., Fernandez, F., Malats, N., Grimalt, J. O., & Kogevinas, M. (2003). Meta-analysis of studies on individual consumption of chlorinated drinking water and bladder cancer. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 57(3), 166-173.

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