Using the SnychroZap to Test For Cancer (excerpt from Dr. Clark’s SynchroZap Manual)

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Purpose: To test for cancer.

Materials: Orthophosphotyrosine (OPTyr). Here are three ways to obtain some:

1. Order a pure sample from a chemical company (see Supplies Used For Testing, page 173). Place a few milligrams (it need not be weighed) in a small glass bottle; add 2 tsp. water and ¼ tsp. grain alcohol.

2. All persons with cancer have OPTyr in their urine as well as in the cancerous tissue. It is seldom found in other body fluids. Obtain a urine specimen from a friend who has active cancer. Add formalin (40% formaldehyde) in equal amount to urine. Freeze it if you can't prepare it immediately. Keep such specimens well marked in an additional sealed plastic bag. Persons who have recently been treated clinically for cancer are much less likely to have OPTyr in the urine.

Urine cannot be considered a chemical in the same way as a sugar or salt solution. Urine is a tissue and has its own resonant frequency, as do our other tissues. If combined with another tissue on the test plates, it will not resonate as if a solution of pure OPTyr were used. To use urine as an OPTyr specimen, you must:

a) Pour a few drops of urine into your specimen bottle

b) Add about 2 tsp. of water

c) Add about 20 drops of grain alcohol or formalin

Gently mix, do not shake. Rinse and dry the outside of the bottle. Label it“urine/cancer”

3. There is still another way to prepare an orthophosphotyrosine test sample. Common snails from a fish tank or outdoor snails are the natural hosts for Fasciolopsis buskii (human intestinal fluke) stages. The stages will produce OPTyr when the snails are fed fish food polluted with isopropyl alcohol. Over half the fish food cans I purchased had isopropyl alcohol pollution. Buy several brands of fish food. Test them for isopropyl alcohol and benzene. Obtain some snails, put them in a tank, and feed them isopropyl alcohol polluted fish food. (Feed a separate group of snails benzene polluted fish food to obtain samples of HIV.) After two days put snails in a zipped plastic bag, and test them individually against someone diagnosed with cancer or their saliva or urine. The snails that the person tests Positive to have OPTyr. Put these snails in the freezer to kill them humanely, then crush them and place in a specimen bottle with 50% grain alcohol to preserve. The bottles can be kept sealed and at room temperature on testing days. On other days, refrigerate.

Similarly, your benzene snails can be tested against someone known to be HIV Positive. Any snails that test Positive can be used to prepare an HIV test specimen in the same way. The fish food must be tested for both benzene and isopropyl alcohol pollution, and separated accordingly, or you run the risk of making specimens that have both OPTyr and HIV.

Methods: 1. Test for cancer by placing the test sample you just made (any of the three) on one plate and a white blood cell sample on the other plate, or leave the other plate empty (whole body test).

2. If you resonate with OPTyr in the circuit you have cancer. Immediately, search for your cancer in your breast, prostate, skin, lungs, colon, and so forth.

3. To be more certain, repeat the test later. Save your own urine specimen in the freezer for later comparison.

As you know by now cancer is acquired in stages. Malignancy occurs last. It should take only one day to eliminate it. After this, a tumor, if found, and its associated toxins must be eliminated.

Check out the Full Manual (Free in PDF to download) here:

Free Download Link: Synchrometer Science Laboratory Manual


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