Bromide Dominance - Learn How to Safely Supplement with Iodine

Most people are so contaminated with bromide (bromine in oxidation state), fluoride, and chlorine that they need help from high doses of iodine these days.

Bromide toxins, resulting in bromide acne, is seen with increased bromide intake and bromide containing medications. Bromide is a competitive inhibitor of iodine and is used in many food additives and is ubiquitous in the environment, being a major component in brominated flame retardants and pesticides.

With iodine deficiency running rampant, it is imperative to have a clear understanding of iodine supplementation before you start taking iodine.

The majority of the population has unbalanced thyroid function, with 80% of those suffering from underactive thyroid. See symptoms below.

Whether you have an underactive or overactive thyroid, it can be dangerous to start using iodine supplements without taking the following precautions:

• Start slowly
• Do a spot iodine urine test and have it interpreted by a healthcare professional
• Take selenium, vitamin C and salt (sodium)
• Look for side effects and adjust accordingly

Start slowly

It is important to start slowly when taking iodine supplements. Dr. Clark Store Lugol’s Iodine for example, contains 1.25mg of elemental iodine per drop. If you or your healthcare professional have determined that you have a perfectly healthy thyroid, start taking one drop per day together with your daily supplementation of selenium, vitamin C, and possibly a dose of salt/sodium (see dosages below).

Continue this supplement schedule unchanged for 3 weeks. If you do not feel any side effects (see below) increase your dosage by taking up to 3 drops (3.75mg) per day prior to taking larger dosage of approximately 12.5mg to 50mg per day.

For safety, we recommend that you have a spot iodine urine test done, even if you and your healthcare professionals think you have a perfectly healthy thyroid function. And, of course, if you have any doubt of your thyroid’s state of health, it is imperative you do the spot test before any supplementation with iodine.

Spot Iodine Test

Testing involves collecting urine immediately upon rising in the morning to use in what is called a spot test. Stop supplementing with iodine 3 days prior to taking the spot test. 

Never self-diagnose

We sell iodine supplements to help you maintain an already healthy state. Should you suspect you have an unbalanced thyroid, please contact a healthcare professional who has a good holistic understanding of adrenal and thyroid function.

• Selenium – 200 mcg daily, or as recommended by a healthcare professional
• Vitamin C – 1000 mcg daily, or as recommended by a healthcare professional
• Salt (sodium) – ¼ tsp in water daily (if you can consume salt), or as recommended by a healthcare professional

Possible side effects from bromine detox when taking iodine supplements

• Acne
• Mood swings
• Itchy skin
• Metallic taste in mouth
• Gastrointestinal problems

Allergies to iodine

Most people, if they do have an iodine allergy, are allergic to the iodine in radiological contrast dyes, not inorganic iodine or iodide, like in supplements. Iodine/iodide allergic people can usually be treated using the NeuroModulation Technique.

Symptoms of an Unbalanced Thyroid

Underactive Thyroid

Puffy face or under eyes

Rough, cold, dry skin

Heavier menstrual periods

Increased sensitivity to cold

Hoarse voice



Poor concentration

Tingling in arms and legs


Unexplained weight gain



Note: Condition more common in women. There may be no symptoms exhibited. The above symptoms can associate with the most common type of thyroid disorder and can lead to Hashimoto’s disease.

Overactive Thyroid

Bulging eyes

Thin face

Swelling neck

Sudden weight loss

Rapid or irregular heartbeat

Nervousness, irritability

Excessive sweating

Fatigue, muscle weakness

Increases sensitivity to heat

More frequent bowel movements

Enlarged thyroid (goiter), swelling at base of neck

Noticeable change in menstrual patterns

Difficulty sleeping

Pain or discomfort in neck



Note: The above symptoms can associate with overactive thyroid that can lead to Graves’ disease.Â