Click to download and print Frequently Asked Questions.

Where can I find the Heavy Metal Cleanse directions?

Detailed directions are included with purchase. You can also view the directions here.

What is the suggested order of the cleanses?

The original cleanse sequence is as follows: Digestive Aid Cleanse, Parasite Cleanse, Kidney Cleanse, Liver Cleanse. Optionally, the Candida Cleanse can be done after the Parasite Cleanse or at the same time since both cleanses help to balance microorganisms. If you choose to do the Heavy Metal Cleanse, this one is recommended last in the cleanse series.

How long is the Heavy Metal Cleanse?

The cleanse kit provides enough product to last two months. However, it is recommended to stay on the cleanse for a minimum of three months. Depending on your heavy metal load, you may need to stay on the cleanse even longer.

Can I do more than one cleanse at the same time, or do I have to do them separately?

You can do some overlapping of the different cleanses. Just remember that each cleanse requires taking several supplements every day. If you become overwhelmed by the amount of supplements or your body reacts poorly to the amount of supplements, stop and do the cleanses separately. You can do the Digestive Aid Cleanse and Parasite Cleanse together, or even the Digestive Aid Cleanse, Parasite Cleanse, and Kidney Cleanse together. If you are doing the optional Candida Cleanse, this pairs well with the Parasite Cleanse. If you are doing the Liver Cleanse, you can complete part 1 (drinking the Liver Support Tea) while doing the Digestive Aid Cleanse, Parasite Cleanse, Candida Cleanse or Kidney Cleanse. However, part 2 of the Liver Cleanse (the 2-day liver flush) should be done on its own - stop all other cleansing during the 2-day liver flush, and you can resume other cleanses after the flush is done. The Heavy Metal Cleanse should be done on its own.

Do I have to change my diet during the Heavy Metal Cleanse?

There is no mandatory diet change for the Heavy Metal Cleanse but consider incorporating foods that bind to metals and remove them through digestion: cilantro, garlic, brassicas (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, kale), spirulina, chlorella, dulse, green tea, leafy green vegetables. Also, consider increasing your fiber intake during the cleanse. Dietary fiber encourages regular bowel movements, which help to eliminate the metals caught by the chelating agents in the cleanse. High fiber foods such as whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables are the best sources. Make sure you're also drinking plenty of water to support the extra fiber intake.

Do I have to stop taking other supplements or medications while I'm on the Heavy Metal Cleanse?

You can continue to take your normal routine of supplements while on the cleanse. Check with your doctor or a pharmacist about potential interactions between your medication and the cleanse supplements. It's also important to note that the Heavy Metal Gone product in the cleanse may remove beneficial minerals from the body. You may want to stop taking mineral based supplements during the days when you are taking the Heavy Metal Gone product.

Are there any side effects to the Heavy Metal Cleanse?

Temporary detox symptoms that you might experience include headaches, skin rash, change in appetite, bloating, gas, change in bowel movements, low energy, and a metallic or sour taste in the mouth. To help manage the detox symptoms, drink plenty of water, stay well rested, and don’t overexert yourself if energy levels are low.

If I skip a day on the cleanse, do I have to start over at the beginning?

While it is advised to follow the cleanse schedule as close as possible, if you miss a day or two, simply pick up where you left off. If you stop for four days or longer, we recommend starting at the beginning. 

How often should I do the Heavy Metal Cleanse?

The Heavy Metal Cleanse can be done as needed. Frequency will depend on your heavy metal exposure from various sources such as amalgam dental fillings, contaminated food and water, and air pollution.

Is there a maintenance program for the Heavy Metal Cleanse?

There is no maintenance program for the Heavy Metal Cleanse. 

Is the Heavy Metal Cleanse suitable for children?

We do not recommend giving children under the age of 18 the Heavy Metal Cleanse. Always consult with a healthcare professional before giving children nutritional supplements designed for adults.

Can I do the Heavy Metal Cleanse if I'm pregnant?

If you are pregnant, we do not recommend that you do the Heavy Metal Cleanse without speaking with your doctor first. 

Can I do the Heavy Metal Cleanse if I'm breastfeeding?

Because compounds found naturally in the Heavy Metal Cleanse products can get into breast milk, we do not recommend that you do the cleanse while you are breastfeeding. Please consult with your doctor before attempting to do the cleanse.

Can I give the Heavy Metal Cleanse to my pets?

We do not recommend giving your pet the Heavy Metal Cleanse. Only Dr. Clark's Parasite Cleanse can be modified for dogs and cats. Please consult a veterinarian before giving your pets nutritional supplements or cleansing protocols designed for humans.

How do I know what heavy metals are in my body?

Assessing what heavy metals are in your body can be done through a lab test. Testing methods include analysis of blood, saliva, hair, or urine samples. Talk to a qualified healthcare professional about getting tested for heavy metals. You can also search online for at-home heavy metal test kits.


*Disclaimer: This information is for research purposes only and should not be used in place of the advice from a qualified healthcare professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please read full disclaimer here.