Influencer/UGC Creator Opportunities

Want to Start a Nutritional Supplement Brand?

The Self Health Resource Center, in partnership with PureNSM and VeriGMP Labs, is launching a series of new brands for creators who are driven to help others. Our products are well-known for their purity standards, which are unmatched in an industry besieged by fraudulent and harmful ingredients in their products and wholly inadequate oversight for quality control. Our VeriGMP trademark signifies that the brand has passed the most rigorous safety testing and will be implemented more and more in the industry. We need creators focused on health and wellness topics to start their own product brands carrying the VeriGMP trust icon, to help increase awareness of the importance of adhering to high purity standards. 

PureNSM, the manufacturer, is strongly dedicated to the highest quality of manufacturing and providing complete transparency - while most supplement manufacturers simply are trying to increase profit by skipping safety tests. Suppliers have become more crafty at hiding ingredients as well, and trying to sell-off substandard or completely contaminated bulk ingredients. It is up to the manufacturer and brand owners to be aware and not suffer catastrophic losses to their business because of unscrupulous suppliers!

By starting a brand with our company, you will avoid all the pitfalls previous brands have suffered because we know the industry and know which products will work, which will sell, and how best to find good suppliers. We know how to design appealing brands, create market disruptors, and ensure a high number of new and repeat customers. 

The Partnership Opportunity:

Creators/Influencers Get: 

  • Financing for complete production of a supplement
  • 35% Ownership of the Brand
  • Free store management and listing of product
  • Free promotion throughout our paid advertising and organic social networks
  • Time-tested experience of a highly reputable manufacturer - PureNSM
  • Network Effects  - As the consumer demand for higher purity increases, our growing network of brands, including Earth Elixer, Pure Vitamin Club, Purple Tree, Dr. Clark Store, Bernard Jensen, and many others, will improve awareness and provide consistent quality and results. 

Requirements: UCG Creators must have at least one social channel with a follower count of over 5000, and/or an engaged community. 

Want to Learn More?

  • Check out our trademark, VeriGMP and what it stands for here.
  • Please send us an email with your current social media profile(s) and products you would be interested in creating, to:

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