New Poll: Should We Sue the FDA and NIH? What Should we Research?

17 comments by Oskar Thorvaldsson

Dr. Clark’s Store mission is to further the health of everyone. This mission has been seriously hampered by NIH and FDA, two agencies that work against the natural health field. 

For this reason we are considering a lawsuit against both government institutions. What is your sentiment about this? Sure, a small company like ours may not stand a chance and we may certainly be retaliated against by those powerful forces. Self Health Resource Center and VeriGMP Labs are dedicated to informing the public and filling in the gaps in missing information regarding the safe status of our food, beverages and supplements on the market. 

So, what you think? Should we go ahead with taking legal action to protect consumers? Also, what products and for which contaminants should we begin researching?

We are a small company, and will read all comments.

Thank you so much for your time!

-Oskar Thorvaldsson

Take the Poll Here


  • Anna Louise Mitchell

    Greatly comments it’s difficult to know exactly how to create a better product s and better foods but instragram is plowing forward to share information very just need so much more do our food is good for us and our products are truly good for us and our vacaens are right and not causing desease and that suppression of holistic medicine are not hidden from us and that Kevin Treadue gets out of prison for sounding the horn on so many problems so the rich get richer and the poor stay sick.

  • Vanessa Gunter

    I had been taking supplements for a lot of years before I found your products and I only found them because I had become aware of the problems I was having with fillers and was looking specifically for the cleanest products I could find. I agree with what has already been said. Spend your money on getting the word out and producing high quality products. Thank you for everything you do.

  • Basha W

    I think a lawsuit is commendable and could yield some media increase. But I would focus my efforts on joining forces with large social media bloggers like the Food Babe, Very Crunchy Mama, Dr Gator and other crunchy holistic bloggers that have huge followings o social media to highlight your products and how clean they are, show lab reports and test results and compare them to other brands lab results and grow your own larger social media following on instagram and facebook which will increase sales.

    We own a holistic preschool and all of our families also purchase your products because we constantly share them in our parent group and talk about how amazing they are but none of our families had ever heard of Dr Clark products prior to enrolling in our school. I would love to host live discussions etc to help support and grow your supplements because they have been life changing for our family. I think more people should know you exist because most of the products out here are junk and contaminated.

    -PS this is Golda and James grand daughter

  • Susan Brewer

    I would wait to (hopefully) see RFK, Jr. approved, and see if you don’t get more willingness to talk about the realities facing companies like yours, pollution of EVERYTHING (food, earth, air, water, products, etc), and alternate health solutions for consumers. If improvements aren’t seen and you decide to sue, triple your best estimates of costs and time.

  • Jane Frederick

    I agree. The cost of litigation would be massive and the chances of success slim. Only the lawyers will make money and it’s unlikely anything will change. Put your money into creating the cleanest products possible.

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