New Poll: Should We Sue the FDA and NIH? What Should we Research?

Dr. Clark’s Store mission is to further the health of everyone. This mission has been seriously hampered by NIH and FDA, two agencies that work against the natural health field.
For this reason we are considering a lawsuit against both government institutions. What is your sentiment about this? Sure, a small company like ours may not stand a chance and we may certainly be retaliated against by those powerful forces. Self Health Resource Center and VeriGMP Labs are dedicated to informing the public and filling in the gaps in missing information regarding the safe status of our food, beverages and supplements on the market.
So, what you think? Should we go ahead with taking legal action to protect consumers? Also, what products and for which contaminants should we begin researching?
We are a small company, and will read all comments.
Thank you so much for your time!
-Oskar Thorvaldsson
Take the Poll Here
as soon as Kennedy is sworn in and had a chance to knock some things off his to-do list try contacting him with your concerns. If he doesn’t address them directly then perhaps he can connect you with others with like concerns.
It is about time that we start to Believe on God!that live in our Heart! I want a better world for our Adult Boys and Grandkids
My opinion is there is no better time to stand unified in this effort to eradicate the poisoning of America. Other countries just don’t do this.
Try a wait-and-see attitude for the new administration. I am optimistic – even though the past has been dismal.
I agree, not at this time. Give RFK Jr. and his team some time to start working on these issues. Then we have a ridiculous story about the Resident (JB) taking 590 million of our tax dollars to prop up Moderna for a bird flu shot which sickened maybe 100 people in the whole world. Read all about it on Dr. Meryl Nass’s substack.
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