The Most Overlooked Causes of Fatigue

In our fast-paced world, fatigue has become a common complaint, affecting people of all ages and lifestyles. While factors like lack of sleep and high stress levels are well-known contributors to fatigue, there are several lesser-known culprits that often go unnoticed. Understanding these overlooked causes can be pivotal in combating fatigue effectively. Let's dive into some of the most commonly overlooked reasons behind persistent tiredness:
- Dehydration
Even slight dehydration can cause fatigue and lethargy. It's crucial to ensure you drink enough water daily to maintain optimal bodily functions. Getting enough electrolytes is another aspect of good hydration. The best electrolyte powder will have not sugar, no sugar alcohols, and just straight ionic minerals. Magnesium chloride is a great, stand-alone electrolyte, and is now made by a variety of brands for this purpose.
- Poor Nutritional Choices:
A diet high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can deplete limited resources and contribute to fatigue. Nutrient deficiencies, especially in magneisum, Vitamin D, and B vitamins, can also play a significant role in low energy levels. Opting for a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help combat fatigue. You can check for signs of magnesium deficiency by simply taking a magnesium supplement, like magnesium oil, and seeing if you notice any energy boost.
- Undiagnosed Health Conditions:
Certain health conditions like hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, anemia, and chronic fatigue syndrome often present with symptoms of fatigue. Seeking medical advice to rule out underlying health issues is crucial for addressing persistent tiredness.
- Sedentary Lifestyle:
Lack of physical activity can paradoxically lead to increased feelings of fatigue. Regular exercise not only boosts energy levels but also improves overall mood and cognitive function. Incorporating movement into daily routines can help combat fatigue effectively.
- Poor Sleep Hygiene:
Beyond the duration of sleep, the quality of sleep plays a vital role in combating fatigue. Factors like irregular sleep schedules, excessive screen time before bed, and a disruptive sleep environment can hinder restorative sleep patterns, leading to daytime tiredness. Production of Vitamin D and exposure of the retina to sunlight balances circadian rythms, and can lead to better sleep.
- Emotional Stress:
While stress itself is a well-known contributor to fatigue, emotional stress, such as unresolved conflicts, relationship issues, or work-related stress, can significantly drain energy reserves. Heightened cortsol levels cause many physiological symptoms and setup the body for a crash. Prioritizing stress management techniques like mindfulness, meditation, or therapy can alleviate fatigue stemming from emotional stress. Stressful situtations also seem to be lightened by proper B vitamin levels, as well as magnesium. Other supplements that can help the stress reposnse are Ashwagandha, St. Johns Wort, and Berberine.
- Caffeine Dependency:
While caffeine is often used as a quick fix for fatigue, excessive consumption can disrupt natural energy levels and lead to dependency. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can mimic fatigue, creating a cycle of reliance on stimulants for energy.
- Environmental Factors:
Poor air quality, inadequate lighting, and extreme temperatures can impact well-being and cause fatigue. Creating an environment with proper ventilation, natural light, and comfortable temperatures helps combat this type of fatigue. Air purifyers work well, and should be HEPA grade, and ideally also have an ionizer to help remove particulates from the air.
9. Viral, Fungal or Bacterial Infection
While there are too many types of infection to list that can cause fatigue, generally they cause other symptoms that alert the individual or medical professional to the pathogenic cause. However, as we witnessed with Covid-19 and successive variants, genetically modified spike protein viruses also hamper energy production and oxygenation of tissues. Exposure to vaccinated individuals still shedding viral particles, will cause similar effects, including fatigue in exposed individuals. Candida infections are also a common source of fatigue, as this organism overgrows to protect the body from either over consumption of sugar/carbs, some other infection, or use of antibiotics. Other bacterial infections can also cause fatigue, such as the source of Lyme disease. While each of these is extremely hard to diagnose through conventional medicine, it helps to know where to start when you begin this route. If you choose a natural route to healing, there are many options that are safe, gentle, and highly effective.
By recognizing these often overlooked causes, individuals can take steps to address persistent tiredness. Incorporating lifestyle changes, seeking medical advice, and prioritizing self-care can lead to sustained energy and improved well-being.
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Love your articles. So much better than most, well researched, and consolidating them in one place is helpful. Could you talk a bit more about ionizing on air filters. There are many people on the reviews of Conway air filters and others who claim that that is the worst thing you can have on air filters. I’m so confused because I do not know where this research is coming from; I was always taught in graduate school that ionizers were tremendously beneficial to your health. Thanks.
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