The Most Pervasive Naturally-Produced Carcinogen and How to Avoid It

Considered one of the most toxic substances in the human diet, Acrylamide is nearly everywhere in our daily diets. In animal models it is known as a multi-organ carcinogen and is a highly reactive compound formed when high carbohydrate foods are heated to high temperatures. The levels of acrylamide are proportional to the browning color seen in fried and baked starches and although still not completely understood, it is mainly formed through the Maillard reaction, by which asparagine's glycosyl base is decarbozylated, ending in acrylamide. The largest sources being: potato chips, breads (particularly the crust), pizza, coffee, and cocoa beans.
While the potato chip manufacturing industry was supposed to have reduced the amount in its products, it has largely failed to do so, and has not complied with recommendations by health agencies. The Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment, demonstrated that acrylamide is neurotoxic, genotoxic, carcinogenic, and toxic to the reproductive and central nervous systems (2). Upon ingestion, it forms toxic metabolites, causes oxidative stress to cells and mitochondria, like lipid peroxidation, DNA lesions, and neural signal disruption (2). To process and detoxify acrylamide, the body has to use up glutathione and studies suggest that acrylamide can easily overwhelm the detoxification system, creating oxidative imbalance and leading to DNA strand breakage. Human studies have found a positive correlation between acrylamide in the diet and various kinds of cancer, such as a recent study that found an increased breast cancer risk in premenopausal females (1).
How to Avoid
To completely eliminate acrylamide may be impossible, but it can be exponentially reduced in the diet by simply avoiding food heated up to high temperatures, or browned. If ordering a pizza, ask them to lightly cook it. If making your own pizza, bread or other potentially high acrylamide-producing food.
- Baked snacks like pretzels, cookies and chips (swap for no-bake cookies, dehydrated chips, and low temp baked goods)
- Bread (bake artisanal style at low temps and avoid eating any crusts)
- French fries (bake at low temp and avoid any browned portions)
- Pringles are insanely high for some reason
- Coffee and cacao beans (replace for yerba mate or tea)
- Baby formula (cerial-based contain high amounts, better to make yourself)
- Black olives and prunes (replace with green olives and fresh plums)
- Semla, M., Goc, Z., Martiniaková, M., Omelka, R., & Formicki, G. (2017). Acrylamide: a common food toxin related to physiological functions and health. Physiological research, 66(2), 205.
- Bellicha, A., Wendeu-Foyet, G., Coumoul, X., Koual, M., Pierre, F., Guéraud, F., ... & Touvier, M. (2022). Dietary exposure to acrylamide and breast cancer risk: results from the NutriNet-Santé cohort. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 116(4), 911-919.
Taylor: Thanks for your question. Prunes are one of the few that, despite not being baked, through the aging process, form acrylamide. Most other fruits also do, but at much lower quantities than plums and not worth worrying about. Btw, Gold roast coffee is a great choice, and low acrylamide, thanks for sharing!
Does roasted chicory contain acrylamide?
I am incredibly hurt that you should photograph my face in biscuit form.
Since when are prunes baked at high temperatures? Am I to now believe that store bought Prunes are not just simply dried at lower temps, like I do when I dehydrate fruit? I also have been purchasing and drinking Organic Gold Roast coffee. It is yellow before and after brewing, higher in caffeine, thus giving you more bang for your buck, if caffeine is what you drink it for. (I know its claim to fame use is for something else) I hate Yerba mate and green olives and bread is bad for you in any form. The DNA protein of wheat has been adulterated. Have you never heard of Grain Brain? Wheat, because it is the staple food of all countries on the planet, has been weaponized. You won’t find too many people brave enough to produce the data surrounding that proclamation, but the anecdotal evidence is proof enough for me.
I think the warning against ALL processed foods is not given enough validity. I stay away from them as much as possible. There is so much more to be concerned with, when it comes to processed foods, than just acrylamide.
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