Monsanto Patenting Venom-Infused Produce? The Spike Protein/Nicotine Connection

4 comments by Nelson Montelauro

While most news articles and journal publications herald the advantages of venom peptide compounds, not all evidence would suggest they are all safe. The number of patents has been rapidly rising for genetically-modified venom peptides for use in crops, cosmetics, vaccines, drugs and other consumer products. What is most alarming, is that the company receiving the majority of patents is Monsanto/Bayer, accompany known for falsifying data, spending millions in false advertising, and millions more in buying politicians. Oddly, patents for venom peptides that are very similar to spike proteins, increased around 500% in two years (2002-2004). They have continued to rise, at a slower pace, but they have been widely applied to plants as biocides, disinfectants, and pesticides. However, their effects on human health have not been studied, and only around 3% of venom peptide applications have made it to phase III clinical trials. 

A Brief History of Monsanto's Toxic Chemicals

Monsanto has a long history of manufacturing controversial chemicals, It's first product was saccharin in 1905, but it was listed as a carcinogen by the NIH in 1970s after a study found it caused cancer in rodents. The company has also produced the chemicals DDT, white phosphorus, PCBs, and  Agent Orange, to name a few of the chemical weapons that it distributes around the world. For  Agent Orange, Monsanto had to pay 180 million in damages to Vietnam veterans, and $93 million to residents in West Virginia living near the production plant.

They also created non-biodegradable plastics used in Disney attractions, and the now ubiquitous Styrofoam, or polystyrene, which is a petroleum based plastic that is the largest source of ocean plastic. Food contained in Styrofoam leeches toxic chemicals, like benzene and styrene, which are neurotoxins and associated with kidney failure, headache, fatigue, and depression.   

Not surprisingly similar effects can be found in its food products, like aspartame and nutrasweet, which was at one time listed as a biowarfare chemical by the Pentagon. This chemical is linked to a variety of diseases and neurotoxic effects. Their GMO crops are engineered for cost efficiency above all else, and despite their GMO crops being sold to farmers under the auspices that they would reduce the use of pesticides, create higher yields of crops, and extend the market reach of farmers, none of these marketing claims were true. In fact, pesticide use has grown by 400 million pounds between 1996 and 2011 (6). 

"U.S. farmers are using more hazardous pesticides to fight weeds and insects due largely to heavy adoption of genetically modified crop technologies that are sparking a rise of "superweeds" and hard-to-kill insects, according to a newly released study" (6).

What Are Venom Peptides? Monsanto's Latest Craze

Venom peptides in nature come from a variety of animals, including snakes, scorpions, bees, toads, and ants. They can be neurotoxins, mycotoxins, cardiotoxins and hemotoxins, and effect a variety of systems and are being studied for their effects on cancer. Bee venom has been found to cause DNA damage that seems to selectively target the most resistant cancer cells (4). Other venoms, like scorpion venom have been found in studies to balance cell proliferation in cancer models. However, the use of highly toxic compounds in small doses should not assuage concern about their long term safety, especially considering the large quantities of them being produced, and their widespread, indiscriminate applications. Instead of calling them pesticides, they are calling them the more benign plant protection products (PPPs).

As one study notes, "The main challenge when producing toxins is obtaining properly folded proteins with a correct disulfide pattern that ensures the activity of the toxin of interest."(5). Similar to other GMO modification projects, there is no guarantee that the folded protein will remain in the correct configuration, let alone not be fated to cause metabolic and cellular disruption.  Highly toxic insecticides known as neonicotinoids, are killing bees around the world, and impossible to avoid since they are genetically modified into the seed. They work in a similar way as venom peptides, targeting Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors (7). 

As noted by Dr. Ardis, and Dr. Tau Braun, the venom peptides cause the same side effects as long covid, which are headaches, brain fog, dizziness, insomnia, diabetes, and impaired motor coordination. They are also being used in medications, such as any medication ending in: "prill", such as Cinnaprill. The venom peptides in these medications also cause cancer. Dr. Ardis says that if the peptides in those medications, "get inside your brain, you're going to develop brain tumors over time. And if that venom gets in to your pancreas, you're going to get diabetes. And if that venom gets inside your liver, you're going to develop liver cirrhosis, or hepatitis. If it gets into the lungs, you're going to get pulmonary fibrosis or lung cancer. If it gets in the heart, you're going to get myocarditis. Venom causes myocarditis." -Dr. Ardis

Nicotine Connection

Nicotine has been found to block the binding of spike proteins to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, explaining why paradoxically, smokers were found to have less risk of covid. One study on long-haul Covid patients found that Nicotine Caused Rapid Recovery in Days:

“Treating several individuals suffering from post-COVID-19 syndrome with a nicotine patch application, we witnessed improvement ranging from immediate and substantial to complete remission in a matter of days” (2). They conclude that this treatment options presents an alternative, “Far superior to the…often underwhelming or disappointing, costly and complex rehabilitation measures currently available to these patients” (2).  

Further research has shown that dietary sources of nicotine, such as tomatoes, potatoes and peppers all contain natural nicotine. It is interesting that these same vegetables are being genetically modified to include the very peptides that nicotine is supposed to counteract. Parkinson’s has been found to decrease in smokers and in those whose diets containing high nicotine-containing vegetables, likely due to these targeting mechanisms. 

Isn’t Nicotine Addictive?

Research has actually shown that nicotine by itself is not addictive (1). The tobacco industry uses Pyrazines and other chemicals that are associated with promoting addiction through learned behavior, cueing, and other effects. Smoking cigarettes is still far more carcinogenic and dangerous to long term health, and vaping natural nicotine with safe substrates, chewing nicotine gum, or using nicotine patches, have been reported to provide the benefits of nicotine supplementation without the toxicity of smoking tobacco. 

To additionally detoxify foreign proteins, including venom and GMO peptides of various kinds, Dr. Ardis recommends the following natural products:




  3. Bryan Ardis:
  4. Weaver, A. K., Liu, X., & Sontheimer, H. (2004). Role for calcium‐activated potassium channels (BK) in growth control of human malignant glioma cells. Journal of neuroscience research, 78(2), 224-234.
  5. Rivera-de-Torre E, Rimbault C, Jenkins TP, Sørensen CV, Damsbo A, Saez NJ, Duhoo Y, Hackney CM, Ellgaard L, Laustsen AH. Strategies for Heterologous Expression, Synthesis, and Purification of Animal Venom Toxins. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2022 Jan 20;9:811905
  7. Bekbossynova A, Zharylgap A, Filchakova O. Venom-Derived Neurotoxins Targeting Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors. Molecules. 2021 Jun 3;26(11):3373


  • Moderator

    Not sure about the use of nicotine patches or gum long-term, but found this:

  • Moderator

    Thank you for your comments.
    Nancy: All of those are generally recognized as safe in approriate doses, except for EDTA, H2O2, and possibly Zinc/Copper, which can be contraindicated for some people in higher doses. EDTA is such a powerful chelator it can cause mineral deficiency or other complications if taken in too high of doeses or for too long. H2O2 is also highly oxidizing, and also shouldn’t be taken internally even at small doses for very long.

  • Nancy

    This is a very well written article that is very helpful in the detox process. Everyone needs to read this! Dr ClarkStore products are excellent and very cost effective compared to others. Question: Can the nicotene patches can be used daily and long term (years if needed) regardless of any existing health issues. Also-is it safe to use these items on a daily long term basis:
    EDTA (liquid 1ML daily) in AM
    Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
    Pectin – acts as an anticoagulant, binds to toxic peptides and lectins
    Zinc, Copper

  • Judith

    So pleased to see you referring to Dr. Ardis’ research on nicotine. He’s on Rumble and gives lots of documentation on his findings via WHO&CDC in their own words to prove he’s correct. They just hide it from us. Look him up and get educated.

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